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Shortest Paths with Curvature and Torsion 

Source code for the paper.

An Efficient Optimization Framework for Multi-Region Segmentation based on Lagrangian Duality 

Source code for the paper.

In Defense of 3D-Label Stereo and Simultaneous Fusion Moves for 3D-Label Stereo 

Source code for both papers.

Python Vision Library

Jan-Erik Solem's Python computer vision library.

Generalized Roof Duality

Library for minimizing pseudo-boolean functions of degree less than 5.

Camera Pose Estimation with Outliers

C++ code for finding the camera position in presence of outliers.

Stitching with Radial Distortion

Matlab code for solving the minimal problem of image stitching with unknown focal length and radial distortion from three point correspondences.

Two View Geometry Estimation with Outliers 

C++ code for finding the relative orientation of two calibrated cameras in presence of outliers. The obtained solution is optimal in the sense that the number of inliers is maximized.

Pose with Radial Distortion

Matlab code for solution to the minimal problem of pose with unknown focal length and radial distortion.

This code is written for the paper:

Relative Pose with Radial Distortion

Matlab code for two minimal cases on relative pose and radial distortion. The minimal cases are: (i) simultaneous estimation of essential matrix and a common radial distortion parameter for two partially calibrated views and six image point correspondences and (ii) estimation of fundamental matrix and two different radial distortion parameters for two uncalibrated views and nine image point correspondences.

This code is written for the paper:


Octave (a matlab clone) code for 3D surface rendering, modelling and segmentation. Includes automatic construction of artificial 2D AAMs and VTK and TCL/TK tools for registration and editing of 3D surfaces.

This code is written for the Licenciat Thesis:

Three View Triangulation

Matlab code for L2-optimal triangulation from three views. The code packages contains two different versions where different methods to improve the numerical stability are used and one version without stabilisation.

This code is written for the paper:

C++ code for L2-optimal triangulation from three views by calculation of the complete set of stationary points: 

This code is written for the paper:

Ground Truth Correspondence Measure

Ground Truth Correspondence Measure for Benchmarking of Algorithms for Automatic correspondence Localisation. MatlabCode and Database for benchmarking are available. Please send email to johank@maths.lth.se or anderse@maths.lth.se

Handwriting Data

Description of the data:


Code for doing automatic assessment of 't?kningsgrad' in rullflaske-experiments. For more information email kalle@maths.lth.se

Description of the data:

STRUDL - automated surveillance video analysis

Code for computing trajectories in surveillance videos, based on trained neural network object detections. Code available on github: https://github.com/ahrnbom/strudl

For more information, contact martin.ahrnbom@math.lth.se or kalle@maths.lth.se

Sidansvarig: webbansvarig@math.lu.se | 2018-08-27