The group conducts teaching within images analysis and computer vision and supervision of Master's Thesis projects.
The Mathematical Imaging Group gives four courses yearly.
Study period 1
In the beginning of the autumn semester, a course in Image Analysis is given.
Study period 2
During study period 2 (latter part of the autumn semester) we give a course in Medical Image Analysis. There is also a course in Spatial statistics with Image Analysis during this period.
Study period 3
During study period 3 (beginning of the spring semester) we give a course in Computer Vision.
Study period 4
There is a course in Machine Learning during study period 4.
In all courses, it is possible to additionally do a project, either during study period 2 or study period 4. The projects can be done in mathematics or applied mathematics.
Master's Theses
The group supervises about 5-15 Master's Thesis projects per year. Many of these are done in collaboration with industry. If you are interested take a look at the designated page for Master's Thesis Suggestions. Feel free to come and discuss your own ideas for Master Thesis projects with any of the professors in the group.
To come in contact with us about Master's Thesis project you can email us at:
PhD Studies
The group has several PhD students and we are always looking for talented students. Please contact the professors of the group if you are interested.