Erik Wahlén has been awarded a consolidator grant 2020 from the Swedish Research Council
Senior university lecturer and researcher at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences Erik Wahlén has been awarded the grant for his project: From water waves to fusion – mathematical analysis of steady ideal flows.
– Publicerad den 11 december 2020

The goal is to build a rigorous mathematical theory both for three-dimensional travelling water waves with vorticity (a measure of the local rotation of the liquid) and for asymmetric plasmas in equilibrium. A challenging task where the equations are very non-linear and do not belong to any of the standard types that usually appear in applications in physics. By studying both problems together, synergy effects can be utilized.
In addition to contributing to the understanding of water waves and plasma, the project will contribute to the general theory of partial differentiation equations and non-linear analysis.
The six-year grant will be used, among other things, to recruit PhD students and postdocs.